Scenic Design:___________ Director: Venue: City: Year:__
Pick Up Artist: The Musical Barbara Jo Maier Studio
Serse Nando
Schellen Ardrey Auditorium
Still Life With Iris Barbara
Jo Maier CEW Theatre
The Diviners Mac
Groves Studio Theatre
Defying Gravity Jillian
Sykora Studio Theatre
Associated Credits: Production: Venue: Supervisor: Year:__
Scenic Painter Shogun Macbeth
Scenic Painter Mind Games
Scenic Painter Prosvent Commercial Cinema
World Jim Jenkins 2008
Scenic Painter Living Well With Montel Tristar
Productions Brian Flynn 2008
Scenic Charge Aliens With
Extraordinary Skills
Scenic Charge Fela! 37
Arts Jay Janicki 2008
Scenic Painter He,
Who Gets Slapped Studio
Theatre Patrick Battles 2005
Prop Master/Crew Head Real Women Have Curves CEW Theatre Patrick Battles 2005
Prop Master/Prop Crew
Lighting Operator When Ya
Coming Back Red Rider? Studio
Theatre Buddy Combs 2004
Lighting Operator Holiday Dinner du Bois Center Edith Copley 2004-06
Windows and Mac. Microsoft Office Suite, some knowledge of SketchUp and
Vectorworks. Console: ETC Expression.
drawing in graphite, charcoal, contè, pastel, pen and ink, hand drafting.
Painting in acrylic, oil, watercolor, and ink. Modeling skills and set
construction with a knowledge of power tools and saws.
Construction: Machine and hand sewing, cutting, draping. Basic knowledge of
mask making.
Bachelor of Science in
Theatre cum laude, Technical Emphasis, Minor in Studio Art-December 2006
Associate of Science
Degree with Honors-May 2004
Glendale Community College-Glendale, AZ
Activies, Leadership,Scholarships:_____________________________________________ Year:__
National USITT Member 2006-08
Phi Theta Kappa Honor
Society Vice President 2003-04
Technical Theatre
Tuition Waiver 2005-06
Phi Theta Kappa
Scholarship 2004-06
Presidential Scholarship 2002-04